Change Table Prefix wp to another | Best WP security tips
Table prefix works as the “brain” for the entire site because, it hold all the valuable information for the website, which makes it a favourite attention of the attacker, Spammers and hackers. They perform automated SQL injection codes for getting information. Many WP users forget to modify the prefix wp_, during installation of the site. This makes it vulnerable to an attacker is planning a massive attack on the prefix “wp_”. You can protect site by changing this two alphabet to another 5-6 Latin alphabet. but make sure you have a backup before doing this change. It’s not so easy to do this for the common web user . By default, all database tables prefix WP resemble wp_. To improve the security of the site and real protection against SQL injection. Web master always addresses a security issue that first step during installation by modifying it. This is the reason that for security first step should be this function. Change this prefix, you can in several ways. Using phpMyAdmin with code command or manually.